Data Security

The Top 3 Latest Trends in Data Security

Willem Dewulf
11 Aug
min read

Most modern businesses digitally store and transmit the sensitive information of their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Digital data technology increases the productivity of companies and allows them to serve their customers faster and better. 

Unfortunately, digital information is under constant threat from hackers and cybercriminals worldwide. No matter where your company stores and transmits information, a hacker could steal the data or damage the cloud server storing it if you don’t have the proper safeguards to prevent such attacks. 

The Importance of Data Security

Data security refers to the procedures, processes, and technologies designed to protect digital information wherever it is transmitted, such as a client’s computer, the organizational network, and the cloud servers and storage devices. 

The best data security measures will protect sensitive digital information from disclosure, theft, damage, corruption, or unauthorized access. These security measures must consider the vulnerabilities of physical hardware, software applications, user data accessibility, and organizational policy standards (CFI).

New threats to digital information exist every day. For this reason, companies must frequently update their database security technologies and protocols to better protect data from the latest malware, ransomware, and other security threats circulating on the internet. 

If a company fails to protect its data from cybercriminals and their attacks, it could jeopardize the privacy of its customers, reduce productivity, and damage the overall reputation of the business. That is why you must take data security seriously if you want to protect the productivity and integrity of your business. 

Watch for Data Breaches

A data breach is when an unauthorized person or third party may have accessed, stolen, copied, modified, or retrieved sensitive information from a company’s cloud server, network, or client’s computer (Wikipedia). Some people may also refer to it as a data leak or security breach, but they are the same thing. 

Data breaches can happen to even the most protected and updated security systems. Here are some examples of common data security breaches (Sutcliffe Insurance):

  • Weak security credentials are easily susceptible to hackers
  • Software application vulnerabilities (e.g., poor configurations, back doors, etc.)
  • Malware unintentionally downloaded into the security system
  • Too many access permissions granted (increases the risk of hackers gaining unauthorized access to user accounts)
  • Stolen login credentials of authorized users
  • Failure to update security protocols and configurations
  • Physical attacks on security systems (insider threats)
  • Lack of data encryption technologies

Major corporations spend millions of dollars on data loss prevention each year but still suffer data security breaches periodically. Here are a few notable examples of famous data security breaches from recent years (Drapkin & Farrelly):

1) T-Mobile Security Breach – May 2023

The famous cellphone service provider, T-Mobile, suffered a cyber attack affecting roughly 800 customers. Based on reporting, unauthorized parties accessed sensitive customer data, including ID cards, PINs, social security numbers, and contact information. It was T-Mobile’s second security breach within one year.

2) Chick-fil-A Security Breach – January 2023

Suspicious activity was suspected on several customer accounts of the popular fast-food chain restaurant Chick-fil-A. The company urged customers to report all suspicious or unusual activity on their accounts, such as strange login activity. Unauthorized third parties may have accessed some customers’ names, phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, and stored payment information. 

3) MGM Resorts International – September 2023

A ransomware cyber attack was inflicted upon MGM Resorts International, reducing its operational productivity and costing the company around $80 million in lost revenue in under one week. The hacker may have used the “social engineering” technique to break through the company’s cybersecurity defenses. Combating social engineering requires better employee training and the ability to spot phishing and baiting attempts online. 

The Newest Trends in Data Security

Companies of all industries are eager to search for effective ways to protect their computer systems and cloud data storage servers from the most common types of modern cyberattacks, such as phishing and ransomware. Because of this, new data security methods and protections are trending almost every month. 

Here are the top five newest trends in data security methodology and technology (DeVry University):

1) Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning is a data security practice utilizing the power of artificial intelligence to locate cyber threats and vulnerabilities in a security system. It is a faster, cheaper, and effective way for companies to safeguard their data without relying entirely on humans. After all, humans are more prone to making mistakes than AI. 

Machine learning is the future of cloud security and data leakage prevention. AI is a more sophisticated form of data security in cloud computing. Although not many companies use machine learning for data loss protection right now, it is only a matter of time before it becomes the new norm in clou data security. 

Of course, there are plenty of data protection services available to assist companies who are ready to implement machine learning protections into their data security systems. We recommend you act sooner rather than later to stay ahead of the attacks before they occur. 

2) Multi-Factor Authentication

Have you noticed how most companies now require their customers and clients to submit at least two or more user credentials to verify their identities before logging into their accounts? This multi-layered login security method is called multi-factor authentication. 

Multi-factor authentication usually applies to personal accounts. Some companies require users to submit multiple credentials to log into their accounts, while others only make it optional. 

For instance, a user may have to submit a username and password as one credential. Then, on the next screen, they may have to submit a temporary six-digit code sent to their cell phone number. This double-layer authentication method helps ensure the account’s true owner is the one logging in. 

3) Firewall as a Service

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) is a new cloud firewall security service that blocks potential malware and other malicious attacks on a network before they reach a cloud server or computer hardware that stores sensitive information. 

FWaaS is a vast improvement from traditional firewall software because a single computer console can manage the entire network’s security protection. In other words, you can manage the firewall protection of an entire network of computers from one console without having to update the computers separately. 

Why You Need Cloud Backups for Your Business

Do you have cloud backups to protect your business data in case of a malware attack, hardware failure, or other incident that could result in the loss or theft of your data? Without a cloud backup, you will not be able to retrieve lost or stolen data resulting from these incidents.

ProBackup offers professional cloud data security and backup services to businesses of all industries. We can safeguard your company’s sensitive data by saving backup copies of encrypted cloud storage regularly. Then, if a cybercriminal ever attacks your cloud data servers, you can restore the lost data through the backup data copies generated previously. You will never have to worry about losing data to cyberattacks ever again.


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